Gas Furnace Replacements: How They Roll up to Massive Savings


David Tuft

October 21, 2024

If you’ve replaced your gas furnace and hot water heater with a heat pump (or two), we know it wasn’t easy. You researched your options, talked to contractors, and parted with hard-earned $$ (and hopefully earned some hard-won rebates).

You know you did the right thing, but it’s sometimes hard to see how your individual contribution adds up to a better world.

Take heart. A new study, as reported in this Latitude Media story, affirms your impact. Looking at 1,321 gas-to-heat pump boiler conversions, the study found a 40% reduction in overall energy use and a 36% reduction in CO2 emissions.

It also looked at 6,631 customers who enrolled in a utility program (Cosy Octopus) that shifted their energy consumption to off-peak times. These customers doubled their energy use during off-peak times when rates were 40% cheaper. And they halved their energy use when rates were 60% higher. That’s a load of shift.

With Cosy, however, there is no heat battery. The heat pump “pre-heats the home” during off-peak time and sits idle for the chunk of time when rates doubled. Not ideal, IMHO.

Here at Harvest, we like to imagine a world where everyone is, you know, a Harvester.  When you replace your gas furnace and hot water heater with our Smart Thermal Battery™, carbon emissions drop by an astounding 90%. And you save up to 30% on monthly heating bills - all while staying maximum comfy, all the time. 

With apologies to the American Sci-fi writer William Gibson: the future is already here, we just need to make it more evenly distributed. Join us.

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